Feeling ACT test stress? Welcome to our ACT study guide. Here you will learn easy and effective tips to ace your ACT exam.
ACT study guide: Do you know the format of the exam?
Our ACT study guide tells you what the exam is all about. The ACT exam consists of 5 sections overall, that is, English, reading, mathematics, science reasoning, and writing (optional). Let’s discuss each of these sections briefly.
The English section consists of 75 questions that you have to do in 45 minutes. Specifically, questions are based upon sentence construction and word usage.
The mathematics section gives you 60 questions that you have to do in 60 minutes. The questions are mainly asked from the pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry topics.
The reading section consists of 4 passages of 10 questions each. You get 35 minutes to complete them.
The science reasoning section has 40 questions. You need to do them in 35 minutes.
The writing section is an optional section. You are given 30 minutes to write an essay on a given prompt.
How to study for the ACT: Easy tips on how to study for the ACT
Follow these easy tips on how to study for the ACT:
- Focus on basics: whether English or mathematics, you need to brush up your basic skills to keep them intact. Know all the grammar rules and learn all basic math concepts by heart. For instance, to work with grammar, you can study wren and martin.
- Make a study plan: Don’t be casual in your studies, especially for an exam like ACT. Here regularity is the key to success. Make a proper study time table where you are able to work consistently. Needless to say, you should keep some time off for other leisure activities. This will freshen up your mind.
- Practice mathematics: Nothing comes in handier than practicing in case of mathematics. Try to practice as much as you can. With that being said, you have to do it regularly. Focus on your weak areas and practice them more.
- Read a lot: To be able to do well in English and essay writing, you need to read as much as you can. Do an half an hour reading each day. Pick up any magazine or book or newspaper of your choice and start off.
ACT study tips: ACT study tips for getting the last minute relief
Burst your stress with this last minute ACT study tips:
- Revise just the important formulas and terms
- Sleep well a night before
- Eat an energetic and healthy breakfast in the morning
- Stay calm and cool
- Remember you’ve prepared well for the day
- Be confident
- Believe that you’re going to give your best shot
Tutor Pace provides ACT study guide, how to study for the ACT tricks, and ACT study tips to all the ACT aspirants.