Today many students take up programming given the career opportunities it presents. With classrooms being jam packed, attention is indeed hard to come by and when it comes to Object Oriented Programming, students often find that they need help. Many students are turning to an online computer science tutor to learn the nitty-gritty of the subject and they find this mode of learning most effective when it comes to OOPs. Learning the fundamentals alone isn’t sufficient to make one a successful programmer, knowledge of the best practices is essential too. Read on to learn the best practices in OOPs and things you must do before you proceed with that.
Getting a copy of the best design patterns book is the first step
It is important to be conversant with various design patterns and the best method to do so is to get a book on the same. There are many publications that come up with good books; ‘Head First Design Patterns’ is a great value addition for every student. With this book in hand or any book on design patterns for that matter, students get exposure to various design practices and patterns.
Learn the uses of design patterns and also learn to use them
Once students get an idea as to what design patterns are, they should proceed to understand their uses. Some of the uses of design patterns are:
- Allows for effective use and re-use of software design
- Well documented and provide generic solutions that may be applicable to a lot of issues at hand
- Enables communication between programmers
- Speeds up the development process
In fact, this is a common area where assignments are given at college levels and most students seek computer science assignment help on this topic in the online platform.
Best OOPs practises
There are many OOP practices that are considered beneficial and provide a significant improvement to the performance and also improve the readability of the code. Here is a list of some of the best practices.
- Understand and use recursion well
- Avoid using too many arguments in methods
- Do not write lengthy methods (makes for poor reading and there is always the chance that you can further split the code into smaller methods that can be reused elsewhere)
- Use access control well and identify the scope of the variable properly
- Do not write large classes, split them if possible
- Do not use implicit parameter passing
- As you proceed to the top of the class in the hierarchy, try to keep the classes abstract
- Read extensively about object oriented designs; learn the SOLID and GRASP design techniques and incorporate them into your code.
- Get your friends and teachers to review your code and get their suggestions for improvement.
Learning the best practices in design and coding are important if a student wishes to become a good programmer. Learning these can help them come up with good solutions and thus help them get better grades and thus have a good GPA and getting C++ assignment help is one of the best means to achieve this.