Read on to learn a Tutor Pace story that Dwayne shared with us about his experience with Tutor Pace and how our online physics tutors helped him conquer his fears and top his exams.
Tutor Pace has numerous users worldwide owing to its very many services in the online tutoring field and it has managed to help many a student struggling with academics master tough subjects. We have been reaching out to tutors and students alike to share their stories and experiences with Tutor Pace. Many of the stories that we hear have proved to be motivating and inspirational for many others. Read on to learn all about what Dwayne has to say about his experience with Tutor Pace.
“Tutor Pace has turned my life around and helped me battle my physics issues and top my class.”
Dwayne started taking lessons with Tutor Pace’s online tutors for physics sometime back when he was almost on the brink of giving up. He has found the interactive whiteboards, quizzes and sessions with tutors very helpful. Since Dwayne was performing poorly in physics and finds it very difficult to concentrate on anything for more than 10 minutes, he found the ‘learning by doing’ and spaced learning ideas very effective.
“I was a diffident person and had lost hope of ever doing well in physics. A friend recommended Tutor Pace to me and my life has turned around ever since; I have managed to top my class in physics!” Dwayne has found it very helpful that his tutors understand his need for doing things himself to understand better. Spaced learning has proven to be quite effective as it helps him learn in his own style and yet understand thoroughly.
“Modern learning tools @ Tutor Pace helped Dwayne learn effectively and top his class”
Tutor Pace recommends the use of flash cards and preparing Mind Maps for kinesthetic learners like Dwayne and these helped him review his work and revise before exams well. Here’s what Dwayne has to say about his favorite learning methods, “I love preparing flash cards and Mind Maps, they help him review and revise easily. I also quite like the quizzes the tutors devised for me; I found that I could think and learn better in such formats as opposed to the traditional methods. Special thanks to my tutor Charles here for he was the one who made assignments and projects fun for me! I sought him out for physics assignment help and I received the highest grade in my class for my work.”
Dwayne who found doing everyday homework annoying and stressing is today planning to purse his major in physics. He has invited many of his friends too for online quizzes and activities that involve conducting experiments to determine the stress, surface tension and so on. These experiments help students understand the practical applications of concepts quite well and also help them get a thorough grasp of the underlying concept. “I would most definitely recommend Tutor Pace to all my friends; in fact, I already have! It is the best platform to learn the fundamentals and topics in hand well and the tutors here gauge your learning style and plan sessions accordingly. Even my physics homework help was modeled based on my learning style. I owe my success in physics to Tutor Pace.”
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