Essays are of four kinds like expository, persuasive, argumentative and analytical. Writing them demands focus and skills which need to be developed with due attention. It is good to take guidance while writing essays at advanced level.
Essay writing is an art and it demands great writing skills from students. Students need to develop good writing practices to ace essay writing at high school and college.
Essays are of four types in terms of academic writing and they are expository, persuasive, argumentative and analytical. College and high school essays are based on these categories and students should know the methods of writing these essays for scoring high in their essay writing.
Expository essays: In this type, one exposes his views about a piece of literature, event, news or issue in an organized manner and catches hold of the attention of his readers. Hence, organized essay format with a clear topic statement should be prepared by the student to enable him to state his ideas in a clear cut manner.
Expository essays can be personal reposes to anything that has attracted the writer. Only thing is that the writer should be able to convince his readers with solid evidences of what he wishes to explain. He should be precise without repeating his ideas.
Persuasive essay: Here, the writer wishes to persuade his readers into accepting his ideas about a topic. Naturally, strong supporting evidences, data and points should be arranged by the writer to convince the readers. The writer should bring these data as examples for his ideas to bring about convincing persuasion. The writer’s point of view should be strong and clear .He should be rational in his persuasion. Being passionate about one’s persuasion would be over doing and it would bore the readers.
Argumentative essay: Argumentative essay is like the persuasive one but in this type, the writer needs to focus more on the pros and cons of his argument and get prepared with them before hand. Outlining of the essay is very important in writing argumentative essays as the writer needs to choose his topic statement, collect arguments for and against the topic, take a stand and prove his arguments in favor of his stand. He should be able to refute the counter arguments convincingly that readers accept his arguments in the end. Logical coherence and strong evidences are mandatory for successful argumentative essays.
Analytical essay: It is an analysis of a piece of art, poem, event or novel wherein the writer should know what he is going to say beforehand. In this type, knowing the conclusion before starting would help the writer organize his ideas in a good sequence and present them in a logical manner. Present tense and third person narrative are used in analytical essays for better presentation effect.
These four essay forms need to be concise without repetition of ideas. Conclusions in essays are mandatory to consolidate the views of the writer. Similarly topic statements carry due importance in conveying the message of the writer without fault.
Writing essays at college level may not be the cake of every student. Online essay writers from tutoring centers help students with quality writing tips and they proof read the essays for better presentations. Online English tutors for essay writing embellish students’ write ups with their smart tips and provide suggestions for catching up right vocabulary and for improving the originality of the writing style.
It is but good to learn the art of writing to convince the readers of what one writes and score high in essay writing.